Haymarket Books


Haymarket Books is a radical, independent, nonprofit book publisher based in Chicago, a project of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change.

Our mission is to publish books that contribute to struggles for social and economic justice. We strive to make our books a vibrant and organic part of social movements and the education and development of a critical, engaged, international left.

We take inspiration and courage from our namesakes, the Haymarket Martyrs, who gave their lives fighting for a better world. Their 1886 struggle for the eight-hour day – which gave us May Day, the international workers’ holiday – reminds workers around the world that ordinary people can organize and struggle for their own liberation. These struggles continue today across the globe—struggles against oppression, exploitation, poverty, and war.

Since our founding in 2001, Haymarket has published more than 500 titles. Radically independent, Haymarket seeks to drive a wedge into the risk-averse world of corporate book publishing. Our authors include Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Rebecca Solnit, Angela Davis, Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman, Wallace Shawn, Mike Davis, Winona LaDuke, Ilan Pappé, Richard Wolff, Dave Zirin, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Nick Turse, Dahr Jamail, David Barsamian, Elizabeth Laird, Amira Hass, Mark Steel, Avi Lewis, Naomi Klein, and Neil Davidson. We are also the trade publishers of the acclaimed Historical Materialism Book Series and of Dispatch Books.

“Intelligent, provocative, and indispensable, Haymarket continues to lead the way for radical voices today.” —Angela Y. Davis

“Haymarket Books is one of the few publishers in our country that is truly dedicated to changing our world by changing our minds for good — holding up a clear mirror so we might see ourselves better and helping us to reimagine what we can and should be as people, as communities, as nations and as a species struggling to live peaceably on an imperiled planet.” —Michelle Alexander

“Haymarket Books is my favorite publisher. I try to read as many of their books as I can. If I had the time, I’d read every single one. They are real mavericks in the book world, publishing in the tradition of the late Howard Zinn.” —Eddie Vedder

“Haymarket is the independent press that has proven its commercial viability by offering up something truly unique on the marketplace: books that change lives. Any other publisher could replicate this business model. You just have to be fearless, value politically independence over profit, and have the ability to anticipate the cutting edge of debate in a rapidly changing world. That’s all. Here’s hoping the rest of the publishing world tries to emulate the principles Haymarket has put on display since day one.” —Dave Zirin

“Books can be the sparks for revolution. I am so grateful for all Haymarket Books has done for the past 15 years to fuel the subterranean fire of protest. They are my go-to publisher for radical politics and the ideas we need for our struggles.” —Tom Morello

“Haymarket has always led with the notion that ideas sell books, not gimmicks, empty platitudes, or mainstream marketing hooks. Bringing grassroots organizing to ground-up publishing, its inimitable staff carries the passion and creativity required to set its authors’ words in motion. In an era of right-wing racism and neoliberal conformity, Haymarket is a critical platform promoting ideas for mass mobilization and community action.” —Remi Kanazi

“All of our beautiful movements working for a more just world are so lucky to have Haymarket Books. Haymarket publishes and fiercely promotes the authors who need to be heard and foments the discussions that need to be had so we can win. Unabashedly radical but not afraid to use the marketing tools needed to get their books out into peoples’ hands, Haymarket is a rare bright light in the publishing world.” —Rebecca Vilkomerson