

Mondoweiss is a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.

It has four principal aims:

  • To publish important developments touching on Israel/Palestine, the American Jewish community and the shifting debate over US foreign policy in a timely fashion.
  • To publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues.
  • To foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy.
  • To offer alternatives to pro-Zionist ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity.


“Mondoweiss has become indispensable reading for those seeking critical perspectives on issues related to Israel and how they are debated in the United States. In particular, I appreciate the reporting and analysis on debates within the American Jewish community on the appropriate role for members of this community in advocating for pro-Israel positions, or alternatively for peace with justice – and what that justice looks like. Through its work, Mondoweiss adds to a growing diversity of voices who are responding to the complete failure of conventional analysis and diplomacy, by placing equal rights and universal values firmly at the center of the agenda.”
—Ali Abunimah, Co-Founder of Electronic Intifada and author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

“Mondoweiss is the best and most intelligent site out there on the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.”
—Chris Hedges, Journalist, The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years.